Monday, July 31, 2006
According to the Bible, it is there that the miracle of Cana took place, where Jesus changed water into wine, at the time of a ceremony of marriage. Another village of the same name disputes the fact to him of being the place present in the biblical account.
On April 18, 1996, during the operation Grapes of anger, it was the place of a drama, when Israeli aviation bombarded South-Lebanon. The population of Canaa, terrorized, put itself at the shelter in a camp under control of the FINUL. 106 people, as a majority of the women and the children perished in a camp of UNO. A cemetery and a monument commemorate this tragedy.
On July 30, 2006, during new confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah, the bombardment of a sheltering building of the refugees caused the death of at least 56 people, including 37 children.
At Canaa took place the miracle of the water transformed into wine. Unfortunately, no miracle saved, twice, of the women and the terrorized children of the bombardments of Israeli aviation.
Without pressure of the United States on Israel to obtain one to cease fire, only a miracle could save this area. Will it take place?
Lebanon: the conflict strikes the children hard…
As for those which have escaped with the bombardments, much will remain a long time traumatized by what the adults should have saved to them: visions of died and destruction.
Beyond the many lives mown in their youth, the psychological cost undergone by the surviving children is him also considerable. “You cannot escape the noise from the bombs”, explains Nadine Maalouf, a psychologist for children who works with children Lebanese traumatized by the war.
Violence, the Lebanese one lived a long time with. They suffered from it during the 15 years from the civil war (1975-1990) and the Israeli invasion from 1982.
But the young people who knew this long period of conflict, become today parents, hoped to be able to protect their own children from these horrors.
Instead of that, they are found again impotent vis-a-vis the uninterrupted bombardments of aviation and the artillery Israelis which destroy whole districts in the south of Lebanon and certain suburbs of Beirut. “There was a plane which made a noise of pffff”, small Nour el-Hoda Cherri, 11 years tells, which still remembers at which point it trembled during the bombardment of its district of Haret Hreik, when its building was destroyed.
“My heart hurt me. It beat too quickly”, she says while pressing on its chest. “I said myself: “that is there, one will die, it is our destiny, God will punish me for all the things not although I made”.” And to quote the banal silly things of its age: to lie to his/her mother, to hide things with his/her parents, to push a young girl younger than her…
The assistant secretary general of UNO to the humane businesses Jan Egeland estimated Friday that a third from the 400 to 600 people killed in Lebanon was children.
The Israeli offensive also caused to make flee and move hundreds of thousands of Lebanese, which found refuge in schools, parks or underground car parks in surer areas of the country. It will be necessary years before all the houses are not rebuilt. Meanwhile, the children will have to thus live in places which will not be familiar for them.
According to the psychologist Nadine Maalouf, the effects of the traumatism will be felt even hard after the war, when these young people cannot still return on their premises and miss “reference mark”: friends, places of plays favourite, the store where they bought their dairy ice creams. The children whom it has met for one or two weeks present various symptoms, energy of the depression to hypertension while passing by the loss of reference mark. Many parents also note that their children became aggressive and disobeying because of the lack of framework and discipline.
The majority of the refugees come from areas mainly Shiites, in the south of the country, where is established the radical militia Shiite of Hezbollah, target of the Israeli attacks since it captured two soldiers on July 12 and car of the rockets against the Jewish State. And, another consequence of the offensive of Tsahal, many moved children of these zones, especially the boys, aspire to join the armed struggle against Israel.
“I want to be avenged for the Israelis”, clamp Ali Kalache, 14 years, originating in a district bombarded by the forces of the Hebrew State. At one time, the teenager wanted to become airline pilot. Even thing for Hussein Mqachar, 11 years, which always smelled a heart of chief and wants to join “resistance today”, name given to Hezbollah by its partisans.
As for Jamil Qbeis, 13 years, it dreamed to become surgeon. Now, it in the rows of the Party of God, “because Israel destroys us, kills to us and”
Which future for this area with all the sufferings moves us hopes from here a few years to fight which his/her children will have undergone?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Without the knowledge of their full liking ...
In the middle of all do these massacres, sometimes happen to them to reach terrorists?
They transform a country in ash, but for which results?
According to Pline, “the Phenician people has the badge honor to have invented the letters of the alphabet”. Do their descendants deserve all the atrocities that they have to undergo of then decades?
Such a phoenix, will this country birth again, once more, from its ashes?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Suri Cruise ...
How a baby confined like were the poultries at the time of the crisis of the avian flu can be happy?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Lebanon, but what do they want?
What wishes the United States? To have finally a reason to attack Syria?
What wishes Lebanese and Palestinian people? Quite simply: to live in peace in a country independent and recognized of all.
Terrorism arises out of alliance between avid fanatic people of destruction and desperated people who don't have anything to lose and who are convinced that this way is the only one which allow their children to have a better future than their present.
The human nature is such as in each generation, there will be always some avid people to be able who will wish to dominate the world.
In my opinion, the best means “to behead” the terrorist networks is to make so that the life of all is more peaceful and pleasant. The actions of Tsahal in Lebanon or in the territories occupied in Palestine, do nothing but reinforce the breeding ground of unhappy people likely to reinforce the rows of the terrorist organizations.
The best means to restore peace in this area is the intervention of the blue helmets of UNO.
Why thus the United States and Israel are against this intervention?
Why don't they want all to implement so that peace returns? Would they prefer War to Peace?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Is TF1 in advance on the society????
Thus according to Robert Namias, to dismiss an employee who has been very satisfying for 10 years and against who nothing can be reproached ... would be a projection?
I do not have anything against Harry Roselmack.
I do not have right step envies that one day my employer says to me “we don't have anything to reproach you… but you are fired because that will make well if we hire a person of color instead of you”.
I am to fight against discrimination, any form of discrimination, including positive discrimination!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The situation degenerates in the Middle East…
“Israeli Raid on the airport of Beirut; at least 22 civil Lebanese killed in the operations of the night”
“Israeli aviation strikes in Lebanon”
“Israel imposes an air and maritime blockade of Lebanon”
After years of war, that made hardly a year that Lebanon succeeded in obtaining the withdrawal of Syria.
“For a few hours, there has been a bombardment of an airport of a completely sovereign country, friendly country of France (...) It is a disproportionate act of war (...) It is absolutely obvious that we ask that the unit and territorial integrity of Lebanon be preserved”, Philippe Douste-Blazy underlined.” France supports by consequence “the Lebanese request of a sasine of the Security Council of the United Nations within the shortest possible time”.
This small country will it have one day the possibility of again knowing peace and quietude?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Soccer World Cup 2006 - Results
- “Small Final”:
Germany was binding rather easily vis-a-vis Portugal and licence on Oliver Kahn to take part with glory and dignity in its Mondial last… at home. - Final:
I clearly preferred the “Small final” which I looked at attentively, whereas I could not prevent me zapper during the final….
In fact, I looked at another program and I channel-flicked some times to be informed of the result in the course of the final.
Finally, Thierry Roland will not have to make it tower of the Place of the Harmony…. entirely naked!
- The Team of France in final!
- Selection of Oliver Kahn for the “Small final”.
Not Glop!
- Many tedious matches during this world.
- The exit of Zidane on red paperboard.
- A final with the shootings with the goal!
- The mayor of Lyon was distinguished by transforming Lyon into single the large French city which did not place at the disposal of its inhabitants a giant screen solely for the final! (Officially for reasons of costs and safety. These two points however do not pose problems when it is a question of retransmitting the matches as League Champions of the OL… which forever succeeded in crossing the course of the 1/4 of finale!)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Soccer World cup 2006 - Quarterfinals (Results)
Portugal managed to be binding only at the end of the meeting of shooting to the goals vis-a-vis a team of England made up of 10 joureurs only following expulsion of Wayne Rooney.
France is essential vis-a-vis Brazil.
I think that England deserved to gain, quite simply because Portugal proved to be unable to take the advantage during the match or even during the prolongations whereas they were in numerical superiority!
On the other hand, the victory of France over Brazil was deserved because France played better than Brazil.
This match, caused a tidal wave in journeaux French, who competes of praises! From a title to another, good place is made in Zinédine Zidane, the man of the match and with Thierry Henry, the author of the decisive goal marked on a frank blow of the first.
- “Magic!” (L'Equipe)
- “Too extremely!” (Paris Dimanche)
- “They did it!” (Le Journal du Dimanche)
In a leading article, the Team greets the collective control of the French players but reserve her stronger compliment in Zidane “returned to gain”, which “played the most accomplished match of its career out of World cup”.
“At the end of a heroic match and perfectly controlled vis-a-vis the Brazilian champions of the world, the Blue ones logically gained their place in semi-finals, where they will face Wednesday the team of Portugal”….
“Brilliant Zidane, decisive Henry and an iron defense make it possible to the French to dream with a new title”
(Paris Dimanche)
“Most remarkable in this victory, it is that the team-members of Zidane, radiant, will have trembled only in the last seconds, whereas Brazil had thrown all its offensive forces to believe in a return”.
(Le journal du Dimanche, Olivier Joly)
“They know too well from where they come. One day, soon, they will explain us besides how they made. By then, there remains to them nothing any more but one match to be gained vis-a-vis Portugal before famous July 9.”
Where are the journalists who, since months, did not cease criticizing the team of France, the selector, players…. ?
Is it possible that the Team of France is able to play well only when it has been given a rough ride during several months?