Thursday, June 08, 2006

TV: They don't know… what invent any more!

Maeva, to play without being mistaken…
Maeva, 21 years old, model and former air-hostess, takes part in “To play is not to mislead”, a strategic play of TV-reality diffused on the musical chain of the TNT.
Filmed 24 hours a day, Maeva and four young men whose only one single person live together locked up in a house on two floors during four days and three nights.
The principle: Maeva must guess which of the four boys (Antoine, Benjamin, Anthony or Arnaud) does not have anybody in his life. The boys must each one persuade it which they are the single person. And to spice the whole, the girl friends of faulty observe them since a room of visionnage and their give advised councils.
If Maeva avoids the traps machiavelic and discovers the true single person, it shares 10.000 euros with him. If it designates a liar, it is the couple which empoche money.
“I was convinced by the side manipulator of this play of TV-reality a little more relevant than usually” Maeva affirms. “In the life, I am not a seductresses, I have much evil to go towards the boys” however acknowledges Miss Mayotte 2004 who must use of all the stratagems to find her ally. The televiewers, them, know as a preliminary that Antoine, charming 25 year old young man, is the single person who must convince Maeva. “It is a good experiment for me, that enabled me to discover many things of my personality” insists the young woman who currently carries out tests to animate soon a program of a chain of the satellite. The last of the four episodes “To play is not to mislead” will be diffused on Saturday June 10, before the best-of of June 17. For those which very missed, not of panic: the episodes will pass by again from June 24.

I do not know what is most pathetic: these new shows or the fact that it have a public there to look at this kind of things!

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