Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Day without tobacco…

Created in 1988, this day is organized to sensitize people with the effects of the nicotinism and to reduce the dependence to the tobacco of the smokers.

French on three states to smoke, even from time to time.
The tobacco remains the first avoidable cause of mortality in France, with 60.000 deaths each year.
More than 45.000 Canadian die each year of diseases related to the nicotinism.
The cigarette is responsible for approximately 30% of the cases of cancer and more than 80% of the cases of lung cancer in Canada.

Not to smoke this day, it is a good thing! The world day of the tobacco is especially a beautiful occasion definitively to stop smoking!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Mother's Day ...

In France, the Mother's Day is celebrated last Sunday of May except if this day is Sunday of Pentecost, in this rather exceptional case, the Mother's Day is deferred to first Sunday of June.

The Mother's Day is a habit of American origin before being copied in considerable countries in the world.
In 1872, the poet Julia Ward Howe launched the idea of a “Mother' S Day Proclamation” intended to honour the mothers and peace.
From 1907, the celebration of second Sunday of May in the honor of the moms extended very quickly in all the American states.
This fest is officialized into 1914 in the United States.
In 1918, In France, the Day of the Mothers is created.
In 1920, it becomes the national Day of the mothers of big families.
In 1926 a decree fixed officially the feastday of the Mothers at last Sunday of May but it is a law of May 24, 1950 which institutionalizes this day definitively: Mother's Day.

Nowadays, the Mother's Day is before a a whole intimate and family festival. It is the occasion for all to express the love which they carry to their mom. In France, it is of tradition that the small ones and large children offer gifts, flowers, charts… with their mom.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Football (Soccer) World cup 2006 ..

A little stress, an ego (oversize?) put at evil by a position of 2nd guard and “small” Grégory Coupet cracks and leaves, one moment, the team of France!

In Tignes (French Alps), he could have proven that it deserved more than Fabien Barthez the role of the first guard.
Instead of that, he only succeeded in proving that he does not resist the pressure and that he makes pass his ego and his small person before the interests of the team.

With such a behavior, he would deserve to be to relegate to the place of 3rd guard!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Ascension ...

In Christianity the Ascension is one of the great feasts in the liturgical calendar and refers to the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven forty days after his resurrection from the dead.

For all French, the Ascension is a public holiday, but it is before all a Christian event.
The Ascension corresponds to the day of the rise in Jesus to the sky. (Ascension comes from Latin ascendere, to rise.)
The Ascension is celebrated 40 days after Easter (or more simply Thursday of 6th of Easter).
Indeed, the Ascension is always celebrated Thursday, for the greatest happiness of small and large which has an occasion of “bridge” before the estival holidays! Forty days is a figure in charge of direction in the Bible, it indicates a time of test or revelation.
Forty days is also a figure very present in many brandy receipts and various alcohols (for example: 40 vervain bits + 40 pieces of sugar, to leave during 40 days in a brandy bottle….)

Among Christians, this period of the Ascension corresponds to the “rogations” (the Latin verb “rogare” means “to require”). It was about one period of prayer and interrogation of the stars in order to know what the sky reserved to the men. It was also the occasion to request to avoid the calamities.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I love ..... Garfield !

Happy Birthday, Sir Arthur ...

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • English writer
  • Born in Edinburgh on May 22, 1859
  • Deceased in Crowborough on July 7, 1930
Born from a Scottish father and an Irish mother, Conan Doyle follows its studies to the Public School de Stonyhurst, considered for its catholic teaching.
Doyle becomes agnostic and turns to studies of medicine.
Once its acquired diploma, it is useful in the army and travels to South Africa before settling in Portsmouth.
He thinks about a literary career, particularly attracted by the historical novel.
Nevertheless, in fact the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, at the origin a news of order published in 1887 will ensure its literary success the detriment of works that Doyle judged more serious (“Waterloo”).
Sherlock Holmes will become so popular that considerable victoriens will believe in its real existence.
Doyle will thus try to kill its creature, but will be forced to make it reappear opposite dissatisfaction.
It will be also illustrated in science fiction (“The Lost World”) and will write at the end of its life of the works on the existence of the fairies and the spiritism, of which he had become the burning defender.
  • Honors…
    Conan doyle was anobli in 1902 in reward of services rendered to the nation, having made propaganda to defend the role of Great Britain in the war of Boers in South Africa (1899-1902).
  • Spiritism…
    Doyle tried to convince the magician Harry Houdini of the founded good of spiritism. Together, they took part in a meeting and “came into contact” with the mother of Houdini. This one was described like carrying a crucifix by the spiritistic one. Houdini offusqua because his/her mother was Jewish. It with what Doyle him rétorqua which it had converted in beyond!

All that recalls me that that would be well if I took a few moments to again plunge me in some of the intrigues solved with brilliance by Sherlock Holmes (with or without the assistance of faithful Dr. Watson).

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Why I will not see Da Vinci at the cinema….

It is not at all a boycotting for religious reasons!

Negative points
  • Dixit Tom Hanks: “… it should be known that the history that we tell is quite simply filled of funny of a cock and bull things which like the hunters of treasure…” !
    Personally I like films of hunters of treasures, but filled of subtle, sought, intelligent things and not of funny of a cock and bull things!
  • “Langdon turned to see has yuoung woman approaching. She was moving down the long corridor toward them with, fluid strides… [...] she was gravitational and looked to Be butt thirty. [...], this woman was healthy with year unembellished beauty and genuineness that radiated has striking personal confidence”. This description of the cryptographe Sophie Neveu corresponds to everybody ..... EXCEPT Audrey Tautou!
  • Tom Hanks: I also do not find it convincing in the key role of Professor Langdon.

Positive points: I think that Jean Réno in Bézu Fache can be in his element. The good surprise (for the moment confirmed that by the band announces): Paul Bettany in malicious Silas! He that I had rather seen in romantic roles can finally make very good… malicious! I do not know if the film will make a paperboard or a bide, but I think that Ron Howard (however generally very talented) of completion flunked his casting and perhaps presents this evening at the Canne whole the largest turkey of his career!

From “Da Vinci Codes” to “”

Monday May 15, 2006, 13:39
A few days out of the film “Da Vinci Codes”, drawn from the best-seller of Dan Brown, the bishops of Belgium point out that it is about a fiction and denounce in an official statement the lack of religious culture of the current company. They hope in addition that this film “will give to much the desire more for informing itself on the history of Christianity”. “The Code Da Vinci is a fiction and must be regarded as such”, declare the bishops of Belgium Monday. “However, the fictions influence mentalities. It is thus useful to recall that this account does not rest on any serious historical base”, add they. “It is not the film which it is necessary to fear. The challenge is the lack of religious culture of so much of our contemporaries, including the catholics”, continue the bishops, while inviting people to get information. To this end, the site of the catholic church of Belgium proposes a file “Code Da Vinci” beginning again inter alia a list of works or emissions making it possible to inform itself on the subject. The spokesman of the bishops, Eric De Beukelaer also proposes a reflexion around the novel, taking again various questions resulting from this one about a possible sentimental relation between Jesus and Marie Madeleine from which a descent would result, or about the priory of Sion. “A my opinion, the best-seller of Dan Brown does not arrive at ankle of Harry Potter, but it would be dishonest person to claim that I would have been bored” by reading it, declares Eric De Beukelaer. “This thriller esoteric is distracting, in spite of its epilogue drawn by the hair. The book has especially a great merit: that to reveal at which point the religious formation of considerable adult catholics is defective”, explains it. If it does not disadvise the reading of the novel, nor even the film, it advises with those which “would be disturbed by its reading” of reading a book on the formation of the Gospels or the history of Christianity. Lastly, a conference-debate around the topic “Da Vinci Codes: question for Christianity, media surprise?” will be organized on May 18 by the Faculty of theology of the UCL and the service of press of the episcopal Conference, in the presence of Mgr Andre-Mutien Léonard, bishop of Namur. (According to Belga)

© Rossel and Co SA, the Evening on line, Brussels, 2006

A sentence of the Bishops of Belgium held my attention: “It is thus useful to recall that this account does not rest on any serious historical base”.

Indeed, this account of rests, perhaps, on any serious historical base, but which are the serious historical bases on which the New Will rests? No serious historical base makes it possible to say that Jesus Christ would have been married in Marie Madeleine.

But no serious historical base makes it possible to affirm that Jesus Christ existed and… has ressucited among Deaths !

Monday, May 15, 2006

The code Da Vinci - Investigation into the true mysteries of a best-seller

According to the authors of this documentary, the American novelist Dan Brown would have taken as a starting point the the business known as of Rennes-the-Castle to write Da Vinci Code.
Inquire into the lower parts of a best-seller. Jean-Patrick Pourtal, impassioned by the mysteries of Rennes-the-Castle which it has studied for twenty years, points, evidence with the support, the many correspondences - names, the events - between the business which, at the end of XIXe, returned celebrates Rennes-the-Castle, small village of the Aude, and Da Vinci Code.
He convenes historians, writers, specialists in the religions, journalists, the mayor of the village and even the secretary general of the priory of Sion.
Each one of them revives these strange events.
As in the book, the business starts with an assassination. Antoine Gélis, priest of the village of Coustaussa, is found lying in his blood on November 1, 1897. In spite of the many indices, the crime remains mysterious. The victim was close to Berenger Saunière, priest of Rennes-the-Castle, the close village. The two friends seemed to share the secrecy discovered by the Saunière abbot during work which it undertook in his church.
Nobody will never know what it put at the day, if these are not documents that it translated in Paris.
The film recalls the discovery of the treasure, the travel of the priest in Paris, his visit of the Saint-Sulpice church then of Louvre, where it was delayed on the Shepherds of Arcadie, a Chick table which curiously points out a tomb located beside the village. With each stage, it raises the enigmas which the priest left behind him. On his return, the abbot is taken of a builder fever.
Which treasure could well have found to undertake of so great work? One evokes that which the Visigoths would have reported of Jerusalem. It restores the church, which it devotes to Marie Madeleine and in which it seems to have wanted to leave the many ones and strange information.
For some, Marie Madeleine would have remained in the south of France, taking along with it the body of Jesus.
One returns from there here to the thesis developed by Dan Brown in his book, on the relation which would have linked Jesus with the latter. But the mystery remains and the investigation continues…
Valentine Ponsy - French Television France 5

The secretary general of the priory of Sion affirms that ritual priory of Sion such as they are described in the book have nothing to do with reality.
On the other hand, it does nothing but maintain the mysteries and rumours while answering, after a hesitation, “I cannot answer you” when the journalist asks to him whether the priory of Sion hides and transmits secrecies. If that is not the case, why not simply not answer “not”.

In the absence of raising the veil on the mystery, this report makes it possible to discover (or rediscover) a superb area full with mysteries (and not inevitably in connection with Da Vinci Code!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Medallions of Jeanne d' Arc to protect the American soldiers in Iraq…

WASHINGTON (AFP) - an American artist undertook to manufacture and dispatch hundreds of medallions of Jeanne d' Arc in Iraq, in the hope that the small French shepherdess protects the American soldiers. “Our soldiers fall under the bombs, and they do not have an armour. I wondered what I could send to them to protect them, and Jeanne asserted herself”, explains Pat Benincasa, 55 years.
“Jeanne d' Arc crosses the borders, the nations, the History, and it speaks with each one among us. She put her faith as a God to achieve the impossible one”, continues this specialist in the sacred art, installed in Minnesota (northern). Even if the mission of the small shepherdess were to drive out an occupying army its country, it remains “one beating, a soldate” in which them American troops in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere can have confidence, ensures the artist.
A chaplain of the American army in Iraq already placed order of 500 medals to him, and since it launched its project at the beginning of April, it regularly receives requests of close relations of soldiers, explains she. The medal, worked out by the artist starting from a giant table on which it has worked for two years, represents Jeanne in armour, on a horse with the gallop.
Currently in the course of reproduction, the first specimens will be dispatched in the next weeks.
Pat Benincasa launched the project on its economies, and invites on its Internet site the goodwills to extend it by financing the manufacture and the sending of batches of 50 (240 dollars) or 100 medals (456 dollars).

Don't they thus know what arrived at Jeanne d' Arc, said the Maid of Orleans? These poor soldiers must make to a war, not justified, far from on their premises, their families, their friends… they do not deserve to undergo the same fate as Jeanne d' Arc, namely to perish to burn sharp on a bucher!
Moreover, Jeanne d' Arc tried to release her country against the invader (some… Britanniques!), whereas the American army would rather have the role of invader in Iraq….

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Da Vinci Code Vs Christian tolerance…

Indian Christians call with a hunger strike against “Da vinci code”

BOMBAY (AFP) - A catholic Indian group invited the Christians to start a hunger strike until death to protest against the diffusion in India of the film “Da vinci code” which must invade the screens of the world on May 19.
Catholic Secular Forum brought together Wednesday in a convent of Bombay (western) some 200 people, of which several tens of nuns, opposed to the exit of film.
Joseph Dias, chief of this religious group which had hoped to join together thousands of people, indicated that its organization had given up burning effigies of the author of “Da vinci code” Dan Brown because it had not been able to prevent the government of his intentions and feared sanctions.
But Mr. Dias affirmed that some 50 people would start Friday with him a hunger strike in the center of the financial capital of India unless the authorities do not decide to prohibit the exit of film. “We badly do not have a hope which the film is prohibited. If it is not it, they are likely to have to deal with dead few people what will have a negative impact on the government with the capacity” carried out by the Party of the Congress (center-left), it declared.
Sony Pictures had confirmed Tuesday that the launching of film in India was always envisaged on May 19.
In the Vatican, the secretary of the Congregation for the doctrines of faith Mgr Angelo Amato evoked a boycott of film drawn from the book with success of Dan Brown, which it described as “novel perversely agains Christian”.
Adapted best-seller eponym, “Da Vinci Code” has as an argument the idea that Jesus and Marie-madeleine had a descent, that the catholic Church has hidden that at all costs for two thousand years and that it is used for the XXe century of Opus Dei like sicaire.
The film is carried out by Ron Howard, with the American actor Tom Hanks and the Frenchwoman Audrey Tautou.
Approximately 2% of the strong Indian population d'1,1 billion inhabitants are Christian, the majority of the Indians being Hindu.

To strike of the end, to boycott, threaten to kill out of the people…. it would perhaps not have to be forgotten that the starting point of all these couroux is ..... only…. a film of fiction!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Victory on the Nazi Germany

The public holiday of May 8 corresponds to the victory over the Nazi Germany during the second world war of September 3, 1939 to May 8, 1945.
The German capitulation was signed in Berlin by the Keitel marshal in the night of May 8, 1945 and put an end to a war which lasted more than 5 years.
The general of Lattre de Tassigny represented the French Republic there, at the sides of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union.

The law of March 20, 1953 founded on May 8 like a bank holiday and a public holiday: the general of Gaulle removed the public holiday in 1961, the commemoration of the victory being fixed at second Sunday of May.
President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing decided on May 8, 1975 to remove any commemoration to celebrate only one date on November 11 commérant all the wars.
This one was restored by President François Mitterrand, as well as the public holiday, by the law of October 2, 1981.

Official ceremonies of commemoration of victory 1945 are organized in many communes. During this reception, it is envisaged to honour the people deserving with the commune.
It is especially for much French one day of relaxation in family and/or between friends.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Never three without three" ... for parents of the New Jersey

NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey (AP) - This couple of the New Jersey could modify the proverb to make "never three without three of them".
Rich and Sharon Fontana have been indeed for Monday the happy parents of charming triplets who come to be added to their other triplets bornt 2 years ago.
"That will not be easy at the beginning ", declared the happy dad Rich Fontana, from the Teaching hospital of St Peter, in the New Jersey. "Oldest will occupy us all the day whereas the babies will make it all the night".
Despite everything, Rich and Sharon Fontana accomodated with happiness Monday the birth of Alyssa, Evan and Eric, who will join Danielle, David and Dylan, the first triplets borned 2 years ago.
In other words, they will find himself with six small children carrying layers. What implies, for the amateurs of statistics, 40 changes of layers and three dozen feeding-bottles by jour.
Ironically , 12 years ago, the doctor of Sharon had said to her that she could never have child.

Congratulations ... and good luck!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Day of the press ...

The celebration of this Day rises from the adoption by the general Conference of UNESCO (1991) of a resolution on promotion of the freedom of the press in the world, which recognized that a free, pluralist and independent press was an essential component of any democratic company.
Consequently, December 20, 1993, the General meeting proclaimed on May 3 world Journée of the freedom of the press.
The Committee of information devotes one half-day of meeting, thus paying homage to the journalists of the whole world who are likely their life by professional choice in the spirit to promote freedom of movement of information.